Thursday, March 29, 2012

really big stuff!

Full size image of Spotted Leopard Slug, Giant Leopard Slug (<i>Limax maximus</i>)this is a giant spotted leapord slug.tthis is an rafflesia flower it's from Indonesiathis is a carp fish it is giant this is from France.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

old toys

         I really like the old game pass the nuts, the buttons on the bottom are for the animals to pass the stuff they are not nuts really there is a banana and an apple. There are four animals that pass the stuff, there is a bunny,a squirrel, a bear and a monkey.This is so amusing!                                                                  
                                                                This is fuzzy wuzzy bath soap and there is a stuffed animal inside. You're not supposed to know which stuffed animal is in there because it's suppose to be a surprise! When the stuffed animal gets exposed to air it grows fur! This is so fun because there is a stuffed animal inside!
This is Brix Blox it is a thing that has bricks, gears and other building stuff. You can build a whole bunch of stuff.This is cool because i love building.